The movie? Well... some brilliant special effects. A lot more fighting than expected. It had the message that they should have listened to Lucy and waited for Aslan. In the Bible when Israel went to war without God or turned to false gods they didn’t win. They needed the prophets to seek the Lord. Similarly Prince Caspian and the children needed Lucy to seek out Aslan to bring them victory.
Of course they downplayed the spiritual message. Nevertheless a good film and a good present. Thank you Nettes.
We saw it too and I came away thinking what a warfest it was! Very gripping and brilliant special effects, but I couldn't help thinking CS Lewis wouldn't have intended it to be so very full of violence!
It also surprised me that as the financial backer is a Christian it was so aggressive and the spiritual message was so hidden by all the action. I don't think it would have much effect on any non Christian friends seeing this but then films often pacify the story so maybe spending the money on giving them the book is a better use of resources?
Love to you all
Louise M
just re-read the book again...
it strikes me that when they didn't believe Lucy [that she had seen Aslan who all had almost lost all faith in], it was similar to the disciples not believing Mary Magdalene and the women who had seen the Lord after His ressurection.
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